Sore Mouth & Infections
Sore mouth and infections
When the healthy cells in the lining of the mouth are impaired, this can lead to a number of oral health problems such as a sore mouth, dry mouth and/or mouth infections. Mouth problems can greatly affect quality of life.
Soreness and ulceration of the mouth
Certain treatments and medications can cause the lining of the mouth to become very sore, and small ulcers may form. Soreness and ulceration of the lining of the mouth is known as mucositis and can be very painful.
Mouth infections
You are more likely to get an infection of the lining of your mouth if it becomes very sore and ulcerated, or if the number of white blood cells (which help fight infection) in your blood is reduced.
The most common mouth infection is a fungal infection called thrush (also known as candidiasis). Thrush usually appears as white patches, or a white coating, over the lining of the mouth and tongue. It is treated with anti-fungal medicines, which your doctor can prescribe.
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